Browse Category: band coverage

Venir – Song Featured in PopDust and Alt Press

Check out the debut of Venir, off our upcoming EP III (Out FRIDAY!!!!).

And an interview about the band and the EP from a guy named ER.  Its like we lived next door.  Cheers to him and Popdust for taking time with us to talking themes, tours, teams, tasers and all that.

Listen to the song as you read the interview at –

and yes in other news, ALTernative press still exists and they featured Stereo Off in –

there may be 15 things to know there, but we’d bet on #13.

13. Stereo Off—an indie rock electro mashup band—premiered a new song for “Venir.”



Joy of Violent Movement & Music Emissions Coverage

Double thanks to JoVM – They covered us a couple years back and have featured us again at

“the newly constituted trio’s sound has become more dance floor friendly as the band pairs a sinuous bass line with shimmering synths, Marciano sultry and plaintive vocals, a tight motorik-like groove and their while retaining renowned penchant for crafting tight, anthemic hooks.”

While “Music Emissions” also wrote about us back on the first EP, but featured us again this week at:

“After some lineup changes in the past year, 2016 brought on a new sound, which is clear on lead single “Sunsetting” from their upcoming third EP” (and right above, you can preview the 2nd single, Venir).


Venir Premiere

Thanks to everyone who came out to union hall friday, cheers to the aye ayes, bridges and powerlines. We raised a bit of cash for good causes, aclu and planned parenthood, while having a great night. No injury stopped this show!

And here’s a new track from EP 3. Venir. Have a listen…. at….

and of course

Coverage of Sunsetting

Thanks to everyone with their recent coverage of Sunsetting: here’s a few new ones we have seen. Send us any more you find!

Turn Up that Volume: “So much to discover with every spin. And, yes, it feels like a nocturnal symphony made to soundtrack your trippy promenade with your lover in the city while the sun goes down. Music for romantics. Music for urban phantasies. Music with a healing force. ”

View the whole post at

“Stereo Off manages to take a compressed pop atmosphere and unravel it into a chromatic and circuital space for deconstructing their given influences.”

RARWriter –
“This is had quite a dramatic impact on the nature of the Stereo Off sound, which based on this first single “Sunsetting” is rich and dark, like the Cowboy Junkies on Disco. It’s a cool sound.”

Newswhistle – Toptunes from around the

They also interviewed us back in October, so if you missed that, check out

Sunsetting Debut

New song! CLRVYNT reviews and debuts sunsetting which you can check out at

“Sunsetting’ is about jumping into or onto your vehicle of choice, picking up your lover and chasing the sunset together.”

Hit it up on instagram too –

Cheers to our guest Saxaphone player – James McElewaine

saxamaphone, saxamaphone, saxamaphone!

EP3 coming soon, its as certain as the new year. Loads of changes to come on the site, the lineup, the world, we’ve been working on it and now its ready for you.

Winter Film Awards 48 Hour Challenge Winners (Soundtrack by Stereo Off)

Winners were announced yesterday for the Winter Film Awards 2016, and the 48 hour challenge. By that we mean 48 hours to write a screenplay, assemble props, costumes and actors, rehearse, shoot, score and edit their film.

Team Deviant Children Production won the fan favorite award with the film above, and perhaps part of that was the soundtrack/credits by Stereo Off!? Either way, loads of congrats, cheers and thanks to Nicholas Ortiz, K Gaines and the team.

Stereo Off: Radio On – ScatterRadio Channel Debut

scatter radio

Much thanks to Jen, Keith and the team at ScatterRadio – We’ve created a new channel on ScatterRadio called “Stereo Off – Radio On” and while we’ve kicked off with the 2 EPs, we’re also going to be putting some exclusive content, interviews, and more. The concept is a mix of social and audio, perfect for the current listener who wants a blend of radio beyond just the songs, and personalisation to match you tastes.

Start listening to Stereo Off’s radio station at: and records your own topics and replies on the air (and on line).

And read the article about our debut at:

End of year lists and the year in review for Stereo Off

End of year lists! Yep its that time again.

Thanks a lot to Remy’s Film and Music Blog –

And cheers to Record Rewind Play –

Both are brilliant blogs from the other side of the Atlantic and both of them had us in their top 10 lists, with the songs “Bullet Time” and “Photographs” respectively.

After all, tis the season for reminiscing about the year. And while 2014 is coming to a close and I for one am really looking forward to 2015, 2014 was a great year for the band. A year ago today, we had one of our favorite shows at Glasslands in Brooklyn (a great venue which is closing at the end of this year unfortunately), and we just finished recording our first EP (completely on the DIY tip), but despite all that, other than people that knew us… well, no one else knew us. We had a couple of mentions on venue websites and one blogger wrote a nice piece about us and a couple other bands, but that was pretty much it.

In January we put the finishing touches and got the EP ready. It was our so called “calling card” and with that, we tried to get the word out about the band. At first, we got a few kind “no thanks, maybe next time” but then the replies started coming in, and soon enough, by the spring, complete strangers were writing up about us on a weekly basis. By the end of the year, about 30 or 40 places took the time to check us out and write about us, interview us, etc, and in many cases really flattered us with high marks and props. Waaaay too many people to thank, but I will reach out to them all soon. For now, check the list of reviews at

Late spring, we also did a band photo shoot to put some pics with the EP, and also wanted to DIY a music video, and again, so many people to thank there too. A whole bunch of great friends sacrificed a day or so of video shooting to help make this video for “Bullet Time” work, and I’ll always be grateful for the work they did, as well as the overall help making the film, shooting the film and getting all the parts together. Through the summer we used the video as our single to help promote the band further, and even entered it on a bit of a whim into a couple of film festivals. Sure enough, both the NY Indie Film Festival and The Coney Island Film Festival, had us in the finals this fall.

By the latter part of the year, we managed to cross out another “thing we wanted to achieve as a band” perhaps. We were part of the CMJ Music Marathon, which I’ve been to before, but now were the ones on stage. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon well spent. And now that the year is almost over, we have another EP of songs ready and recorded. One “Hotel Mirror” was already released in October, and the other ones will be coming out in the early part of 2015, one with a new video too, that we can only hope does as well as the last one, if not better. We do like the idea for it at least…..Anyway, looking back, its been a great year getting Stereo Off moving, but 2015 is ideally when we reach that next stage.

Happy holidays to all of you, and thank you very much for everything in 2014, all the reviews, mentions, film fests, attending our shows, checking out our band from wherever in the world, sporting our band via t-shirts and just your overall support.

August mentions, reviews and video coverage

Thanks to Brooklyn based Impose Magazine for the mention on this Week in Pop – scroll down, and you’ll see a mention and the Bullet Time video by us.

“It’s an amalgam of everything pertaining to ‘what New York used to be’ but with a DFA soul that sympathizes with the indie dance revolutions of the oughts”.

Speaking of film, we’re in this years NYC independent film festival –

And thanks to the mention from UK based “Fame Magazine” on

EP & Video Mentions on Various Sites

Thanks for the EP review from Sonic Eclectic –
“They’re awesome. They’re able to sound different yet familiar in every track, staying true to their style.”

And some more mentions of the Bullet Time video and the band, thanks!


along with

Couple more interviews coming. The songs for the second EP have been confirmed and will be worked on in the coming weeks. And then last but not least, our next show.

August 29th (Friday) at Spike Hill (FREE)

More details and flyer to come soon.