Another Week of Hibernating. And Reviews!
Without getting too technical, and most of you on WordPress blogs can attest to this, but every time I login I see loads of new comments awaiting approval. Sadly its mostly salesy/spammy comments being submitted. Actually found a legit one in the pile from a little while ago and didn’t know what to do with it.
Anyway, still hibernating in the studio as we get ready for EP2 and back on the stage at a venue near you (Assuming you are near us). But in the mean time, some great new updates, such as this review from Indie News Now at– which gave us a 9/10 and reminded them “so much of David Byrne that it sends me right back to that era.” That was really cool to hear and thanks for reviewing us. Glad you liked the EP and hopefully you stay tuned in the coming months.
I was back and forth on using Twitter for the band, as its full of junk and bands auto-replying with messages. But if you dig through, there are some great ways to find new music and new blogs, sites, etc and connect with those looking for that new unsigned band that no one knows yet, as opposed to being “that band” who just pesters strangers.
As a result, we’ve started to get some nice mentions and places tweeting or referring us to their readers, whether from other zines/blogs like or a random hotel in LA – so wanted to start mentioning some of these too.
Being a new unsigned band (in New York, a city of thousands of unsigned indie bands!) trying to get some traction out there, “getting the word out” has been the goal while staying warm this winter. Hopefully more where that came from next week, as its been a few weeks in a row now. That and a confirmed gig date for the spring time, which I’m certainly ready for (springtime and next gig that is).